東京大学の原野幸治先生より、日本化学会特別企画 “Frontier of Molecular Science Explored by Molecular Electron Microscopy”(3月19日午後)のご案内がありましたので、お知らせいたします。
日本化学会第101春季年会特別企画 “Frontier of Molecular Science Explored by Molecular Electron Microscopy”
“Frontier of Molecular Science Explored by Molecular Electron Microscopy”
Date: Mar 19, 2021 (Fri) 1:00 PM – 3:40 PM
Place: The 101st CSJ Annual Meeting, Webiner 8 [S08-1pm]
Recent technological innovations such as aberration-corrected TEM, high-speed imaging cameras, and continuous sample rotation, have ushered in an era in which the behavior of individual molecules can be analyzed using electron microscopes. In addition to the visual impact of the images obtained, electron microscopy has made dramatic progress as a tool for clarifying the correlation between structure and function, as well as dynamics and function in materials science and biological science. In this symposium, we will discuss the development of molecular science using static and dynamic molecular electron microscopy, and the creation of a new research field through the fusion of chemistry and electron microscopy. The aim is to reach a chemical understanding by answering scientific questions that have been obscured so far, such as what we actually see and the essential meaning of what we see by high-resolution electron microscopy.
Time table:
13:00 Opening Remarks
13:05 MicroED: Conception, practice and future opportunities
(UCLA/HHMI) Tamir Gonen
13:35 Dynamic molecular electron microscopy: An emerging tool for chemists
(The University of Tokyo) Eiichi Nakamura
14:05 Pushing the performance limits of cryo-EM for membrane receptors
(The University of Tokyo) Radostin Danev
14:35 Understanding the Chemistry of electron beam-induced transformations on the molecular level
(Institute for Basic Science(IBS), Center for Nanomedicine, Yonsei University) Dominik Lungerich
15:05 Atomic-resolution Imaging of Sensitive Materials Using Ultralow-dose Transmission Electron Microscopy
(King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) Yu Han
15:35 Closing Remarks
Symposium Chair: Koji Harano, Takayuki Nakamuro
本シンポジウムに関する連絡先:原野幸治 (harano@chem.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp),中室貴幸 (muro@chem.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)